otrdiena, oktobris 06, 2009

Par digresijām

An oratorical discourse should have five sections: prelude, narration, argumentation, digression and conclusion. But, the place of digression is not fixed, so it can come before or after argumentation.

The novels of Tolstoi, J.D. Salinger, Marcel Proust, Henry Miller, Milan Kundera and Robert Musil are also full of digressions.

Par kinofilmu "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"

Lūk, kāds viedoklis:

I do understand some what the negative comments, but why in gods name does anyone see the second movie when they write they hated the first movie. Totally beyond my comprehension.

This movie is about one thing....action, action, action involving robots that are good and evil....it is as simple as that. If one then understands that one will have a great time a the movies.

Vai arī šāda pozitīva atsauksme:

This is a great sequel that's just as awesome as the original, and highly lived up to my expectations! Everybody did an awesome job.

Ja vēl pieskaitam, ka filma ir nopelnījusi teju 1 miljardu Amerikas dolāru, tad nu mūsu rīcība ir skaidra: aidā uz ķinīti.