trešdiena, oktobris 18, 2006

Last Sunday

One day I proposed
- Hey, why don't we fly to the mountains?
- Why?
- Why not?
- Why yes?
- Why why?
And then we had a good laugh.

3 komentāri:

Anonīms teica...

memorable quotes (from shark tale):

Don Lino: I tell you what's what, and what?
Sykes: What?
Don Lino: What what?
Sykes: What what nothin'. You said what first.
Don Lino: I didn't say what first.
Sykes: You said "and then what?' and I said "what?'
Don Lino: No, I said what, what?
Sykes: ...You said what first.

Vombats teica...

Pieprastu izbeikt muljkjoshanos sheit. Tagad.

asja teica...

veltas ceriibas